Thursday, April 8, 2010

Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

I went to get my hair cut, because it gets really heavy the longer it gets. When I sat there and told her what I wanted she chopped my hair and left me with two levels, so I could pull it into a pony tail. Right now I feel like saying F the pony tail and make the style look good. I am sooooooo upset and distraught right now. I already have a problem with my body image since I just had a baby, this is the icing on the cake. This do makes me sick to my stomach. I guess I won't be in any pictures with my baby boy until I can get a better do or a wig. It is the shortest I have ever had, the top "layer" is about 6 inches long. What do I do?! Eric tried to tell me it looked better after she "fixed" it, but I think it just got worse. I just needed him to hug me and tell me I am beautiful no matter what my hair looks like now. This event makes me feel so horrible, I just wish it could grow out now. Thanks for letting me rant, and know that I am not fishing for compliments, I really think this cut/style looks like a nasty piece of crap. Any advice for me so that I can get over this, and quickly?

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