Saturday, November 6, 2010

November, the beginning!

I have finally found some time to update everyone on some of the things the Meyer Family has been up to.
Two Weeks Ago:
Colin took his first steps on October 26th to both Eric and me! It was an extremely exciting moment. The whole family was hanging out in the living room and Colin decided to be brave and took a couple wobbly steps to Eric and then we turned him around and he wobbled over to me. We were so overjoyed that our cheering and praise scared Colin. After we calmed him down we tried to get him to walk some more but he would immediately go down to crawl where he felt more secure. It has been fun assisting him with perfecting this mode of transportation. Currently he enjoys crawling, cruising, and taking a couple of steps at a time. Maybe one day we can get photos or videos of it, right now it is too fast to capture.
This Past Week:
Sunday was Halloween! We spent family time lounging together in the morning and then got to work carving our pumpkins. It was a lot of fun, my pumpkin was the witch, Colin's was the ghost, and Eric's was the scary ghoul face. We got dressed in our costumes and handed out candy. There weren't as many non-dressed up kids as in the past. Everyone complimented Colin on his monkey costume. It was a fun time sharing the night with my family.
Monday I was off of work because it was a teacher grading day, and I was working from home. Colin went to Daycare and I picked him up so that Eric could go fishing. I spent the day doing laundry and cleaning the house a bit. I feel like I need another me to get all the cleaning done. It is a lot to clean, cook, care for yourself and any one else. Any suggestions on how to make everything perfect? I tend to just ignore certain responsibilities so that I don't miss any time with Colin. He is growing up so fast sometimes.
Tuesday I was able to stay at home as well because it was election day and schools were closed in PGCounty. I planned on meeting up with Nicole, Millie, and Matt in Fredericksburg, VA. We had lunch and walked over to the play area in the mall. All the kids played in the play area. The Harmon kiddos look great! Smiles the whole time. After playing we visited Crazy 8 and shopped a bit. Nicole and I love looking at the clearance, the prices are lower than Gymboree and the clothes are super cute. (Check out the fun t-shirt here!) We had a wonderful time hanging out, it seems to be more challenging to actually chat while we are together now that all the kids are a bit more demanding. Hopefully we can plan another time to meet just Nicole and me, special kid free time!
Thursday CJ had his 9 month appointment and got his flu shot, lead poisoning check, and anemia check. His blood number was 35 which is in the good range. His height, weight, and head measurements find him in the 50th%tile category, which is a positive growth trend for him. He spent the afternoon napping from the flu shot and then it was off to daycare because I had to drive to Laurel (1hour and a half due to rain) for my grad class, which is going really good. I am learning a lot from the instructor and it is a nice introduction into the demands of graduate studies.
Friday night/Last night we put the babe to bed and watched The Road and spent the evening in suspense with some good brewskies. Good Flick, and there is a happy-ish ending.
Saturday/Today we slept in a bit, ate breakfast, went to the gym. (Laundry and Tanning will come later! hehe) Colin surprised us with some more sleeping a long hour+ nap this afternoon. I am a bit worried that another tooth will surface so his body is storing up sleep to get ready for the sleepless nights. We shall see.
We hope everyone out there is doing great! We are looking forward to seeing some of our family and friends for Thanksgiving! Love! A, E, and CJ!

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