Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer livin

It seems that a whole month has past and I still need to update everyone. Today we are going to check out the Washington Nationals, CJ is REALLY into baseball right now. He corrects me if I bat "wrong". This weekend we will be boating and we will have lot's of fun, and create some good memories with the Harmons.
 A little insight into Colin's World. Funny things Colin has said: He calls Cookie Monster, "Monster Cookie"
Randomly he will come up to ask me, "Are you my honey?" and I reply, "Yes! I AM your honey and you are mine."
Things Colin is scared of, in order of appearing in our conversations: Trees, Bears (this happened after our visit to Gatlinburg,TN), Dinosaurs, Monsters, and Loud Storms
 For about two months he loves to approach me and ask, "You not have a penis?" to which I reply, "No, I do not have a penis." Then he responds, "I have a penis!" wearing a huge grin. He also likes to point out that males around us and in our lives have a penis and the females do not.
When CJ sees a male with his shirt off he loudly extorts, "You Naked!" or "He Naked!" One evening after Eric picked CJ up from daycare they drove past the basketball courts, like they do everyday, and there were boys playing and some had their shirts off. Colin yells, "Hey you, you naked. Put a shirt on, nobody wants to see that." Our little parrot is taking in a lot of what we say, we are hoping he doesn't repeat all of what we say! :)

This past weekend we went camping and tubing/canoeing on the Shenandoah River. CJ was a trooper! He had some problems getting to sleep Friday night, he kept telling me "Mommy, it's too loud." Finally he passed out. Saturday we spent 5 hours on the river in the canoe. Colin swam and took a nap. He really enjoyed all the attention the girls we were with gave him.

The week prior to that, the 9th through the 12th, Carl drove back from the Midwest with Eric, Colin, and Rufus. While he was staying with us he helped me with some chores and home improvements. Both upstairs bathrooms are being painted and redecorated. Eric thinks it is taking too long, oh well. It will get finished as soon as we stop traveling every weekend and I am not working or schooling.

The trip for the 4th was great! We had a blast visiting with Grandma and Grandpa Chase, Aunt Erin and her dogs. We stopped at Purdue on our way up to LaGrange and picked up some Purdue Gear! While visiting in Chicagoland we spent quality time with Gramma and Granpa Meyer and Aunt Anna. I snuck away to meet with Angie and Baby Evan, he is so cute! We got to hang out with Deanna and her sweet pea Maxwell at the Splash Pad. We also spent time with the Strzyz clan. Colin and Gabby are super cute together. The fireworks were fantastic as always and it was a great time! I headed back home early for my grad class. It was a great time to see everyone. While I had some time to myself I went to see Magic Mike with Jen and we had a lovely time hanging out and grabbing a bite to eat.

This summer has been flying by, I am getting sad thinking about all that I have to do regarding work. I have registered for my last full graduate class and I intend on graduating next May, wish me luck! Hope everyone else is doing great, I'll post photos when I get another chance.

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