Tuesday, February 9, 2010

One Week Old!

Colin is officially one week old. We made the trek out of the house yesterday, big day for the 3 of us. We went to lunch at California Tortilla with our friend Derrick, and by time lunch was over Colin needed another feeding so we went home. We had a doctor appointment to check on his slight jaundice. The nurse at the hospital said he would be fine, the Nurse Practitioner we saw yesterday said he was a bit yellow still and wanted some lab work just to be sure. We have been instructed to begin his tanning regimen of 10 mins a day in the sun. He is on his way to get a better tan than Eric! Other than the jaundice, he has gained enough weight to surpass his birth weight. He was born at 8lbs 4.3 oz and is now 8lbs and 4.5oz . It appears we are doing something right if he is gaining weight! Yeah for a hungry hippo! Colin loves to feed, and he is pretty regular with about every 2.5 hours. Speaking of he is beginning to stir now. Things at the Meyer household are going good. Rufus is a bit dejected that we can't devote the same amount of energy to his play time or walks. He looks at me as though to say "Why can't you take me out, why do I have to wait for Eric?" Hopefully he can forgive me. Eric is an amazing husband, he has been working hard at making sure I take care of myself in order to provide for Colin. Eric loves snuggle time with Colin just as much as I enjoy it. As for my healing, things are going as they are supposed to. I am going to the OB to get the staples removed. I still have issues with coughing and laughing, which is very painful when you live with a jokester like Eric. Spirits are up at the moment and it feels as though we are beginning to develop our "normal". Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we delve deeper into this job of parenting. And now for some pictures of the cute one of our family:

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Amanda! He's absolutely adorable! Being a mom is such an amazing experience!!! :)
