Thursday, February 25, 2010

Looking at Week 3 with Colin

(It seems that he really likes to sleep, just like Eric)
Not much really to say except that we are seeing some muscle strength in his legs and neck. He is more curious when his eyes are open, taking it all in and trying to determine what he is staring at. We are seeing more smiles while he sleeps so we are hoping to have the real thing come soon! We have noticed that he really prefers sleeping on his side and tummy, not that we let him sleep in his bed on his tummy. When he is fussy we take turns holding him on our chests and he falls asleep instantly. Poor thing dislikes sleeping on his back only. Only a matter of time until he can position himself once he gets stronger. Things have been progressing and it seems the breastfeeding is going well. There isn't as much pain as there once was, so I am thankful for that. Last week I had baked a loaf of beer bread and it shattered the dish, then Rufus ate all of the loaf because we left him unattended.

Colin has had several visitors: Theresa and Scott, Annie and Nolan, Heather and TJ, Mike-Nicole-Matt-and Millie, Robyn and Linda, and after our movie yesterday he met Jen. (as seen here) We attended a movie in the afternoon and an awards ceremony in the evening. It was a long day for both of us. It was our first time bf in public, I hope it gets easier because it sure is awkward. I spend most of my time feeding, changing, rocking, and calming Colin. I am still feeling some remnants of the c-section pain wise so I think I need to take it easy. Some days I feel ambitious and attempt to tackle a lot of chores, then there are other days where I just want to relax whenever Colin is napping. It is so hard to not feel guilty about taking time to relax and rest. Another favorite hobby I have right now is hugging and kissing this adorable little guy. My heart melts every time I look at his angelic face. Enough gushing, I will post photos of Colin on Picasa here, and now for some cute pics of the star of the show...Colin James Meyer!
Take care, Amanda

1 comment:

  1. He is so adorable! Take it easy on yourself. I had a c-section too and it takes a while to feel 'normal' again. I was hard on myself too and felt like the house always needed to be in order, but now I realize that it doesn't! Just enjoy your sweet baby because they grow up waaaay too fast!! :)
