Tuesday, January 11, 2011


There are two reasons I have chosen this title, first off I was able to call on my friends at Diapers.com helped me for a second time. Back in November I purchased 2 XL cases of size 3 diapers for CJ, and shockingly enough he has not gone through both cases in the time it has taken for him to grow out of the size 3. As all mom's know every brand of disposable diapers sizes don't really match up with the size of your baby. It was super easy! I called their line and asked if there was any way they could help me and they said they would send out a box of size 4, and a return label for the size 3 case. They are my pals, the first time they saved me is when I had issues with the diaper pail liners and I got the wrong size for that. When I speak with those customer service reps, they really helped me out and saved me money! Everyone should purchase from Diapers.com, and they are a UPromise retailer. The second reason I titled this post 'Celebrate!' is to remind everyone to celebrate the daily gifts and blessings in your lives. I was able to leave 2 hours early since PG County was worried about the still non-existent snow. I drove to the daycare to pick up my little guy and he was sooooo happy to see me since Daddy always picks him up. He was a bit fussy on the way home, but finally took a nap. After putting CJ back to sleep in his bed for his nap I sat down to work on the Diapers.com issue and I turned on Oprah. Her show is focused on this family with 3 children lost all three children in a horrible car accident. It is heart wrenching to hear their story of loss and healing that has taken them to a more happy place (they had triplets 1 year from the day of the accident). I feel the purpose of this show was to help me remember just how fortunate we are for various reasons and that any blessings/gifts in our lives could be there for a brief moment. So we should treasure all wonderful things for the moments we are able to experience them. Sorry to dish this out, a perspective reminder is needed every once in awhile.

Love your loved ones!


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