Friday, December 9, 2011

December-Running the 15K, Decorating, Celebrating

Runners Ready for the Race
I am sorry this post is a little late, Dec. 3rd I finished my 15K in 1 hour and 40 minutes!  That is an 11 minute mile pace!  I could not believe that I actually finished, there were some gnarly hills(3 to be exact) and the course was very compact.  It was a very emotional moment fighting my way up that last hill towards the finish line, I heard the MC telling all the runners to push through to the end and run with your arms in the air celebrating the accomplishment.  I followed directions and sprinted across the finish line with my arms in the air and tears began to well.  I cannot believe that I ran a 15k, wow.  I really enjoyed sharing some Ghiradelli Hot Chocolate and noshing on fruits with my chocolate fondue.  I had to force myself to quick in order to avoid the bellyaches!  It took awhile to get back to the car, but getting back to Waldorf was easy.  Afterwards, I felt a "blister" on my left middle toe, and later that afternoon when I took my shoe off there it was-nasty!  I won't gross you out, but it is healed now and my toe is almost back to normal.  
The next big event was Sunday we began putting our decorations up, lights and a wreath!  Our house is ready for Santa!  As I was stringing up the lights on the balcony above our front door I backed into the window and stepped down on the light timer prongs with the arch of my right foot-----OUCH!  Totally a "Home Alone" Wet Bandits moment.  That is healing slowly, so after my feet are "normal" then I can get back into a workout routine.  Erin, my sister, is already planning for us to do the Mini-Marathon in Indianapolis in May this year.  If anyone out there is interested, the more the merrier!
(Picture of our decorations to be posted later)
This week has been very hectic trying to get a handle on work, grad work, and our household.  When things get busy it seems our house stays crazy, I really see how much I HATE cleaning.  So if you drop by, or come for a visit please excuse my non-Donna Reed House!
I have been busy getting things in order for my work Secret Santa and the Meyer/Johnson/Kohrs gift exchange and I had my little elf CJ with me.  We stopped by Hallmark and I suggested we look at the ornaments and he fell in love with this one, go figure.
Little People Firetruck Ornament
In one of his Toddler Tattler we had a message about how adorable CJ is when he shared the sounds a fire truck makes.  Too cute!  I'll try to get it on video and post it later.
Tonight, Friday night, we are going to hang out with our Kickball team as we say farewell to our friend who is moving to Mexico to be with his fiance.  This night out has been made possible by our FABULOUS, GENEROUS, CONSIDERATE Friends Annie and Nolan Walton.  They are a god send and we are sooooooooooooo thankful they were able to help us out.
Thanks to everyone sending out the family photos I love seeing how everyone's children are growing up so nicely!  I haven't really decided about family greeting cards this year, we shall see. (Don't hold your breath just in case!) 

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