Sunday, January 22, 2012

January-Our story in pictures

After the "surfing" (cement stairs) incident we got out the boo boo bunny, he prefers to hold the bunny in his hand instead of applying it to the wounded area.

"Look at my scratched up nose, thankfully my bangs cover the forehead scrape."

"I was so focused on holding onto my hotwheels and puppy dog toy that I got some road rash on my hand and jammed my ring finger."

"I begged my parents to take me out to Nolan's birthday party.  We had fun bowling!"

Mommy and CJ, I'm not sure why he looks like that.  I think I look good in this pic!  hehe

Ready for some football, just need to change the team.

Posing at the NBC 4 Health Expo, took a trip with Pat Wackerle.  It was a good time, especially the burgers before the expo at Rogue States: Black and Orange in Dupont!

At the doctor office again, Pink Eye making its way through daycare.  Since CJ had a sick day I let him wear his PJs all day.  He loved showing off his choo choo train PJs to everyone.

The nurse gave him a Henry sticker so he wanted it on his belly. 

I was forced to convert his bed.  Wednesday night CJ woke up around 2am, we heard a thud and then as in poltergeist this little boy walked into our room.  This was the first time he ever climbed, or attempted to climb out of his crib.  I was shocked and worried, but he survived and just wanted his Mommy.  He climbed into bed with us and suffered some sinus issues but went to sleep.  Dad and Mom got NO SLEEP THAT NIGHT.  Thursday morning we went to the doctor, I changed his room and that night he went to bed in the big boy bed, without rails.  Epic fail, fell out of bed and needed another night of comforting, ZERO SLEEP AGAIN FOR MOM AND DAD.  Friday we went out and got the bed rail, what a life saver!  He is sleeping great in his big boy bed, and he is super excited about it!
Turtle Night Light, it makes me feel better that he has a little night light in case he gets scared, thanks Aunt Erin!

"Look at my muscles!"

Life is getting very busy-grad school is getting a little more intense, and so is my job with responsibilities and expectations.  I have also joined a book club that Bernadette Wackerle invited me to and I'm hosting on the 9th!  Colin is growing so fast and he is going to be 2 in two weeks.  OMG!!!!  Trying to keep it all together and enjoying motherhood, my marriage, staying healthy, finding time for friends, and "me" time.  It is a challenge, I wonder about my sanity some times.  Looking forward to posting more regularly.  We miss you all, and anticipate our next visits, hang-time, playdates, skyping, chatting, phone calls.  Lot's of love, Amanda, Colin, Eric, and Rufus!

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