Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week 25 and 3 days

Rain, Rain, Go Away! On the upside there is actually sun shining today through the misty rain still around, and we are going to try to take our depressed dog out for some playtime. Eric and Rufus hate it when it rains a lot.

Friday I presented at the MEGS Conference about using Powerful Picture Books with middle school students. Things went well until I had a huge brain fart trying to describe an image within the illustration of the book Flotsam of a specific sea creature. It felt like 3 mins. of me just standing there saying nothing. Finally, I spoke to the group and shared "I have no idea what this is called." and the audience responded with "Starfish", and I then blamed it on the baby. Got some good laughs at that, but totally felt like an idiot. After a 2 hour drive home, from just north of Baltimore, I was whisked up stairs and Eric presented me with the guestroom painted and ready for crown moulding. What a wonderful husband! Friday evening we went bowling with our Kickball Team to celebrate someones birthday. I had to use a lighter ball, but still broke 100 each game. Happy to still do that! After the bowling games we went to Carpool for some drinks and catching up. Don't worry, I did not imbibe.

Saturday we spent the day relaxing on the couch watching football and we were finally rewarded with a win from the Boilermakers! In the evening we headed over to the Wackerle's house for dinner and a movie. We watched Adventureland, which was a pretty cute movie about young adults and their relationship woes.

Sunday, today, we are just hanging around the house trying to get things straightened up. Tonight we will be able to watch the Bears game at home! It doesn't happen much out here. Looking towards this next week I have another appointment on Friday. I wonder what excitement awaits me at this appointment.
I will post next weekend!

Love to all,


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