Friday, September 25, 2009

End of Week 22, Beginning of Week 23-Confirmed!

Just got back from the Ultrasound and Doctor visit. What an amazing experience seeing the baby move and respond! I know I have been experiencing the movements, but to see the baby react to the technician was astounding. We saw all parts necessary to constitute a baby-heart, (big) brain, hands, feet, legs, arms, spine, bladder, stomach. Watching the ventricles move in the chest was so fascinating. The heartbeat was upper 160's, probably because it was moving around so much. Baby Meyer spent a lot of time in the pike position, future world class diver, and blocking the wand with its arms. Taking on Eric's traits of being camera annoyed/shy. After we swooned over the 3d images I went across the way to the doctor appointment. Weight gain was only 2 pounds this week making a total of 10. No concerned raised about my weight trend....yet. The genetic screening came back negative for all the little things they were searching for. So far we believe Baby Meyer is normal, and most definitely healthy. Next appointment I will find out what all the measurements meant for Baby Meyer and its development. I am so enamored with this little life growing inside of me. I am so thrilled to be able to participate in this process. Thank you so much for your love and support. Can't wait to get the images scanned and posted, maybe by tonight I can finish that. Hugs and Kisses to all! A
Couldn't get the scanning technology working so I photographed the images and then uploaded them. Sorry if the quality isn't as great as it could be! If you want to check out all the images I uploaded checkout the Album here!

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