........in the Meyer
Household. I am going to share my weekend in a backwards succession. I worked hard yesterday putting up the tree and getting our house in the Christmas spirit. I hope that everyone else enjoyed the snowfall in the DMV area, it really made me feel like it is December. I decided after Eric and I returned from a big shopping day at Ikea, picked up the crib and nursery furniture, that our house needed a little Christmas spirit. I spent some time visiting with Jen for lunch on Sunday before I picked Eric up from the airport. Saturday evening I hung out with the Wackerles, they made Corned Beef and Cabbage, what a delicious treat. It is always fun getting to play with Vivi and Conner! During the day Saturday I went to an information session that Johns Hopkins University held concerned earning my masters in two certificate areas, Gifted Ed. and Admin. + Supervision. I am totally excited, this adventure will begin June 2010! Friday evening was the dreaded twisted ankle event, I walked Rufus and then ventured to the mailbox. (Around 8ish) Then I stepped off the curb with my left foot and my right foot did something crazy and down I went. Sprained my ankle pretty bad. Didn't know it at the time though. After watching Angels and Demons I went to bed around 12:30am and the ankle was fine, woke up at 1:30am and my ankle was throbbing with pain. I knew is wasn't broken, but boy was it painful. I couldn't fall back asleep until 4am. Please feel pity for me! That's all folks! A
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