Sunday, August 8, 2010

New photos to see!

I have updated the Picasa Web Album for month 6! We have had a lot of changes, Daycare has begun and Colin is working at adjusting to being away from mommy and not being able to nurse on demand. It has been a disruption to his sleep schedule at night, but it seems things are now getting back to a routine. We are fluctuating between getting up at 1am, 3am, 4am, and 5am for comfort and reassurance. I am doing my best to stay away from the night feeding, and so far it has worked. It seems that he has developed more sensitivities in the diaper area, a little bit of rash and rawness, and hopefully we can get the daycare teachers to be more attentive to his needs during diaper changes. He went through the first week coming home in the same outfit we left him in! We have learned that it is crucial that he has a pacifier available at all times and that he will allow other people to help get him to sleep which has carried over into bedtime routines with Daddy!
As you know Colin has been feeding on Rice Cereal for 2 weeks, and he is now up to 2 feedings of solids a day. We just incorporated carrots and oatmeal, next up is peas and squash! I am praying he doesn't have any allergic reactions to any foods! In his daycare class there are 3 other boys and 1 girl. Of those 3 boys, one is crawling all around. Colin has become more adventurous with his mobility, I attribute that to watching RJ crawl around the classroom. Colin has mastered rolling over both ways, sit unassisted, scooting, stand while we hold his hands. He is now working on the rocking forward in a seated position to lean supported on his hands. It also seems as though he is trying to figure out the army crawl. We have noticed a lot more movements covering distances. It is exciting to see his growth! He also loves studying things and figuring out how they work. I am struggling at times with the separation, but I am glad I have this transition time happening before I go back to work. I miss my little guy a lot! If you follow on Facebook you may have seen that I went to Marry Poppins the musical yesterday at the Kennedy Center with my friend Theresa. We had a blast, it was so wonderful! I left in such high spirits and I feel like singing everything everywhere! :P As a family we have been going, going, going still. I don't know how much longer this can continue, at least for now, since Colin seems to need a more consistent nap/sleep schedule at home in his crib. I can't really think of anything more I need to share, so until next time! Love, Amanda

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